Thursday, July 7, 2016

Last night I threw a huge tantrum because someone ate my biscuit.

Then I snapped at my husband because he didn't do the dishes, then snapped at him for doing them.

Then I got cross because he did the laundry and put the kids in the shower because I wanted him to stop trying to do everything.

Then I stomped off to bed to sulk and promptly fell asleep....

Around an hour later I woke up feeling seven kinds of sheepish.

The kids were sleeping, the house was tidy all was at peace in the world. I had to put on my big girl pants and apologise for my behaviour. To tell my husband how much I love him and truly appreciate everything he does.

If only life was more like Dawson's Creek where we were all able to constructively analyse our problems (let's take a moment to consider that description of a sitcom written about teenagers?!).

For the rest of us we're just doing the best we can, and that's good enough for me. Every day is a fresh start after all.

Today let's be grateful to all of those people in our lives who know us well and love us anyway.

You've made it to Friday - I hope you've got an incredible weekend planned.


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