Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Hey you!

Yes you, right there.

Has anyone ever told you that you are incredible? One of a kind. In the entire future of this universe there will never be anyone else like you. There has never been anyone exactly like you since human life began.

That is why it is so important to be yourself.

So much of our precious time and energy can get caught up in comparing our own lives, our own selves to those around us that we forget that it is our differences, not our similarities that make us great.

There can only ever (EVER) be one you.

In creating Work Wife Balance - I want to provide a platform where we you can be your authentic self. I truly cross-my-heart believe you are worth it.

My dream is for this blog to be a place where real life is celebrated. Not just the pretty stuff, but the frazzled mornings, messy kitchens, crazy dreams and hard-fought victories.

Because guess what?

There is no single answer for success. No one solution. No secret you have been missing out on that has the potential to improve your life beyond measure.

What I do know is this.

The best project you will ever work on is YOU!

I want to share with you an open and honest account about what makes my life easier, at home and at work, and I want to hear what makes your lives easier too.

All of us were born with the power to change our own behaviour. To be what we aspire to be, what we hoped to be, what we want to be. No one else has this power. When we can give the best to ourselves, we give the best to our families, to our friends, to our lives and to our careers.

Today I was speaking with a friend and work colleague of mine who is facing some pretty big decisions. As I listened to her concerns, her fears and excitement it was clear that the only thing holding her back was herself.
What if she wasn't good enough? What if someone else was better?
She completely overlooked the fact that she was the reason the opportunity existed in the first place.

Because being you is life changing.

I love this quote by Karim Seddiki - and I would love to hear your stories, ideas or desires for what can be shared on this blog.

Thank you so much for stopping by!

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